ProStationAudio Menus: Project

New Project... Use this menu to create a new project.

  • Select this item and the application promts you with the Project Requester.
  • Select one of the available presets and the application promts you with a directory requester.
  • Choose a path and type a name to create a new directory (the application creates the directory and additional subdirectories to later store data associated to your new project, including settings, sessions, imported audio files,...).

Open Project... Use this menu to open a previously created project.

  • Select this item and the application promts you with a directory requester.
  • Choose the path to the directory corresponding to the project you want to open. Please note that due to the way the OS works, when you click on the directory name corresponding to your project, the requester actually enters the directory itself. This is normal, click the okay button when you're done.

Open Session... Use this menu to open a previously saved session.

Save Session... Use this menu to save the current session.

Save Session As... Use this menu to rename the current session and save it.

Save Session Copy As... Use this menu to save the current session with a different name without renaming the copy present in memory.

Mix Down Session... Use this menu to mixdown to file the ranged area of the timeline (or the whole timeline if no range is active).

This function is usefull both for track bouncing and exporting the mixdown to another application/platform.

Set Session BPM... (available depending on version)

Use this menu to set a reference BPM (tempo) value for the timeline. This reference value is used to display appropriate bars:beats:ticks coordinates in the Message View area, when dragging objects.

Rename Session... Use this menu to rename a previously saved session.

Delete Session... Use this menu to delete a previously saved session.

WARNING: this operation destroys data permanently.

Open EDL Use this menu to open a text EDL. The EDL replaces current timeline tracks.

Overlay EDL Use this menu to open a text EDL. The EDL uses empty tracks on the timeline. Current timeline tracks are preserved.

Account... Use this menu to display informations on the time spent on editing the current project.

The report generated by the application allows easy extimation of production costs. Provided information include:
  • partial time (time spent since opening this project)
  • total time (working time spent since the creation of this project)
  • a detailed list of each access, including the duration and the starting date and time.
While the application keeps track of every single access, a tooltype (please see the tooltypes section) allows you to set a threshold in minutes for filtering the report contents.

The report can be exported to a text file for further processing and printing.

About ProStationAudio... Use this menu to display informations on the application.

Quit... Use this menu to exit.

  • Select this item and the application promts you with the Shutdown Requester.
  • Select one of the available options:
    • Save status and quit
      The application updates the preferences file (screen resolution, windows positions and sizes,...) and quits.
    • Quit
      The application quits without updating the preferences file.
    • Cancel
      Resumes normal operations.